
Sandrine Bergès Publishes New Book

Prof. Sandrine Bergès of the Department of Philosophy recently published a new book, “Liberty in Their Names: The Women Philosophers of the French Revolution” by Bloomsbury Publishing. The book is out as an ebook and available through the publishers’ website and the Bilkent Library. The paperback and hardback versions will[Read More…]

Springer Publishes New Booklet from UNAM

Dr. Onur Erdem (EE – BS ’13, MSc ’15, PhD ‘20), a former graduate student researcher at UNAM, and his doctoral supervisor Professor Hilmi Volkan Demir have published a booklet entitled “Oriented Self-Assembly of Colloidal Semiconductor Nanoplatelets on Liquid Interfaces.” In their booklet, Dr. Erdem and Prof. Demir give a[Read More…]

Bilkent Faculty Members Receive TÜBA-GEBİP Awards

Bilkent faculty members are among the scientists that have received this year’s Outstanding Young Scientist Awards from the Turkish Academy of Sciences (TÜBA). The Bilkent awardees are Asst. Prof. Yunus Emre Türkmen (Chemistry) and Asst. Prof. Hamdi Dibeklioğlu (Computer Engineering). TÜBA introduced the program to Award Young Scientists (GEBİP) in[Read More…]

Repairing Bacteria Developed at UNAM

BY YARA EMAD ABUNEMEH (COMD/IV)Earlier last week, a team at Bilkent’s National Nanotechnology Research Center (UNAM) designed a bacteria that could repair damage caused to the teeth or bones. The bacteria, which are modified to produce a protein that comes from algae, could change the way we look at bone[Read More…]

Sueda Saylan Receives Horizon Europe MSCA Grant

Dr. Sueda Saylan has been awarded an MSCA European Research Area (ERA) Fellowship for two years. The ERA programme, an initiative of the European Commission, puts emphasis on excellence, innovation and the international mobility of researchers. This is the third MSCA grant awarded to a researcher at Bilkent under the[Read More…]

New Book Published by Jonathan Payton

Asst. Prof. Jonathan D. Payton of the Department of Philosophy recently published a book with Cambridge University Press. “Negative Actions” is an investigation of philosophical puzzles about negative behaviors, such as intentionally omitting to do something or refraining from doing it. Although such actions are rampant, many philosophers feel that[Read More…]

Third Language Translation for Bilkent Author

Assoc. Prof. Julian Bennett, Department of Archaeology, recently published an Italian translation of his biography of Roman emperor Trajan, “Trajan, Optimus Princeps” (Routledge/Indiana University Press). The biography was originally published in 1997, and the same publishers released a revised edition in 2007. It is still the only English-language work to[Read More…]
