Bilkent University has announced that in 2024 a total of 24 projects were selected to receive funding from the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Türkiye (TÜBİTAK) under its 1001 program. The 1001 Scientific and Technological Research Projects Funding Program supports projects that generate new information or solve technological problems. The success rates for the 2024 first and second terms were 70% and 53%, respectively.
The 24 Bilkent faculty members and postdoctoral researchers selected to receive 1001 funding are listed here:
1001: Naci Saldı (MATH), Burcu Ayşen Ürgen (PSYC), Seymur Jahangirov (UNAM), Sezin Galioğlu Özaltuğ (UNAM), Aykut Koç (EE), Zahide Pamir Karatok (PSYC), Ömer Dağ (CHEM), Mehmet Taner Yiğit (ECON), Burak Ülgüt (CHEM), Firdevs Ulus (IE), Semiha Yılmazer (IAED), Won Mi Ahn (UNAM), Cihan Kayaçetin (IAED), Yıldıray Yıldız (ME), Haldun Sevinçli (PHYS), Miri Besken (PSYC), Ali Javili (ME), Hatice Pınar Bilgin (IR), Emrah Özensoy (CHEM), Oya Karaşan (IE), Amina Houimi (UNAM), Fazlı Can (CS), Uğur Doğrusöz (CS) and Saeideh Alipoorilemeeslam (UNAM).
The 3501 Career Development Program is focused on providing project support for researchers who have received PhD degrees and are just beginning their careers. In 2024, eight Bilkent University faculty members and postdoctoral researchers were selected to receive funding under this program. Faculty members and postdoctoral researchers awarded with the 3501 funding are listed here:
3501: Sezin Galioğlu Özaltuğ (UNAM), İbrahim Sarpkaya (UNAM), Elif Gökşen Köstem (LAW), Sinem Sav (CS), Anıl Koyuncu (CS), Deniz Yılmaz (MATH), Fırat Karaboğa (UNAM) and Demet Özer (PSYC).