No: 16, Research, Volume 31

Recent Book by Elif Gökşen

Asst. Prof. Elif Gökşen, Faculty of Law, has published a new book, “Uluslararası Ceza Hukukunda Bireysel Ceza Sorumluluğu,” with Seçkin Publishing.

International crimes are generally committed collectively and the system that causes these crimes is named the “system criminality.” This book examines the determination of individual criminal responsibility in collective crimes in international criminal law. It discusses perpetration and complicity in international crimes with comparative examples from different legal systems.

Dr. Gökşen’s book addresses the evolution of criminal responsibility and culpability in international criminal law. It explores different approaches adopted in international criminal law to determine individual guilt and responsibility. Within this scope, the book discusses the mode of collective responsibility in International Military Tribunals and joint criminal enterprise doctrine in Ad Hoc International Criminal Tribunals. It then addresses the modes of responsibility in the Rome Statute, discusses the interpretation of the International Criminal Court and compares them with national jurisdictions.
