Bilkent alumnus Assoc. Prof. Kıvanç Birsoy was awarded the Vehbi Koç Prize in the field of health for his biomedical research on the energy and nutrient utilization mechanisms of cancer cells. Through these studies, Dr. Birsoy aims to understand the role of metabolism in cancer and transform the obtained data[Read More…]
Bilkent Graduate Takes Third Place in Miniature Painting Arts Competition
Öykü Terzioğlu Özer, a graduate of the Department of Turkish Literature, was recently awarded third place in the miniature painting category at the 5th International Dârümülk Islamic Arts Competition, organized by the Municipality of Konya. Özer, who completed her master’s thesis under the guidance of the late Talât Halman and[Read More…]
A Solo Exhibition by FA Alumna
Department of Fine Arts ’05 graduate Assoc. Prof. Seval Şener opened a solo exhibition, “Sleeping Venus,” at the Siyah Beyaz Art Gallery on December 6. The artist, who focuses on nudes in relation to original sin and expulsion from paradise, presents works that are centered on art history and mythology.[Read More…]
Bilkent Alumni Win L’Oréal’s Award for Women in Science
Asst. Prof. Zeliha Soran Erdem and Asst. Prof. Gülşah Merve Kılınç, both graduates of Bilkent University, were honored by L’Oréal Türkiye’s annual “For Women in Science” program. Dr. Erdem, a graduate of Materials Science and Nanotechnology (MSN) Ph.D. program, and Dr. Kılınç, who earned her PhD in 2014 from the[Read More…]
Bilkent Alumnus Wins Science Scholarship
Sarp Feykun Şener, a graduate of the Department of Physics and an undergraduate researcher under the supervision of Asst. Prof. Hasan Yılmaz at Bilkent University National Nanotechnology Research Center (UNAM), has received a scholarship from the Teke Tek Bilim Fund. The fund was created through a collaboration between the Contemporary[Read More…]
Bilkent Alumna Receives “Sanataevet” Honorary Award
The “Sanataevet” Honorary Award was presented in the Opera category to Soprano Esra Abacioğlu Akcan (MUS’96). Esra Abacioğlu Akcan is the first Turkish artist to perform the works of Necil Kâzım Akses (1908-1999), one of the leading composers of the Turkish Republic. She has worked at Antalya and Ankara State[Read More…]
Bilkent Alumna Receives Spanish Medal of Honor
Ceren Çerciler (ELIT ’99) has been awarded the Medal of Honor from the King of Spain for supporting Spanish officials and delegations after the earthquake in Turkey and enhancing diplomatic ties between the two nations. Ms. Çerciler coordinated the process of building a field hospital by Spanish teams in Hatay[Read More…]
Research Sheds Light on Eco-cultural History of Fallow Deer
Recent archaeological research, led by Bilkent alumna and senior lecturer in zooarchaeology at the University of Groningen, Dr. Canan Çakırlar, sheds light on the eco-cultural history of fallow deer, pivotal in the Dutch deer parks debate. Published studies refute assumptions of the deer’s invasiveness in Europe, tracing their presence back[Read More…]
Bilkent Alumni Target New Wave Expats with Podcast
Bilkent University alumni Selim Tepeler (MAN ’17) and Muhammed Ali Taksim (IE ’17), who continued their careers in Germany and England, are hosting the podcast “Expat Kafası.” The podcast focuses on the lives of Turkish expats who have recently settled abroad. In each episode, they not only share their own career[Read More…]
Bilkent Alumnus Wins ETH Medal
Dr. Ömer Mert Aksoy (EE/’17) has won the ETH Medal award. The ETH Medal is awarded by the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zürich (ETH Zurich) to outstanding master’s and doctoral theses. The number of bestowals is capped to 2.5 percent of master’s theses and eight percent of doctoral[Read More…]