No: 6

Sharing in Education and Classroom Teaching Workshop 

On October 12, the Bilkent University Board of Trustees organized the “Sharing in Education and Classroom Teaching” workshop.  Bilkent University started accepting students into its Classroom Teaching Program, under the Faculty of Education’s Department of Basic Education, following the Higher Education Council’s approval on May 16, 2024. The workshop, held[Read More…]

New Student Council Officers Elected 

The final step in the Student Council election process was completed on October 15 with the selection of the council’s president and the elections for the vacant executive and audit committee positions.   The new Student Council president is Eylül Yolcu from the Department of Performing Arts. The vice president is[Read More…]

The International Chronicles 

BY MAHİR HASSAN MİAN (ECON/II)  Name: Tasneem Hamed          Department: Tourism and Hotel Management                   Country of Origin: Palestine/Lebanon   What were your first impressions about Türkiye?   I came here in 2016 when I was about 11. It was scary coming here at that age, not knowing the language or anyone. It was[Read More…]

The Sporting Life 

Name: Şevval Bilgin  Department: IE  How often do you exercise?  I exercise three times a week.  How has regular exercise affected your life?   I’ve started to feel much more awake throughout the day.  What do you suggest to those who are just taking up a sport or starting to exercise?  [Read More…]
