No: 14

Semester Break Sports Courses 

During the semester break, the Physical Education and Sports Center will be offering sports courses. Participants may register at any of the Sports Halls.  Course Dates: January 9 – February 9  Registration Dates: December 23 – January 5  GROUP EXERCISE PROGRAMS (Dormitories Sports Hall)  Monday   Yoga 6–7 p.m.  Thursday  Yoga[Read More…]

The International Chronicles 

BY MAHİR HASSAN MİAN (ECON/III)  Name: Miriam van Amerongen          Department: MBG                                          Country of Origin: Germany  What were your first impressions about Türkiye?   Türkiye is a beautiful country! At the beginning of my exchange, I was surrounded by kind, friendly and helpful people. They made me feel like it was a[Read More…]
