News & Events, No: 13, Volume 29

Faculty of Law Hosts Third Young Law Scholars Symposium

The Young Law Scholars Symposium was hosted on November 16-17 by the Faculty of Law. The two-day symposium brought together 24 young law scholars and more than 160 participants.

The symposium opened with a speech by the Dean of the Faculty of Law, Prof. Ece Göztepe. On the first day, the young law scholars presented their research from different areas, such as civil law, civil procedure law, data privacy law and international private law. The papers presented on the second day covered current debates in the areas of public law, criminal law, company law, competition law and sports law. Accordingly, the symposium provided a dynamic forum for cross-disciplinary participants to discuss their research and build new synergies. Research discussions ranged from “How to Determine the Law Applicable to Disputes Concerning NFT Art Works?” to “How Can the EU Competition Law Support Green Policies in Terms of Merger Control?”

This annual symposium provides an excellent opportunity for young scholars to exchange ideas and network with each other to develop fruitful collaborations in the future.
