News & Events, No: 13, Volume 29

Special Invite from Malta Ambassador Theresa Cutajar

On November 17, fourteen Bilkent students visited the Malta Embassy for a celebratory occasion. They were invited as special guests by the Malta Ambassador herself, H. E. Theresa Cutajar, to receive their certificates of achievement for successfully completing a 20-hour virtual study unit on “Creative Thinking and Innovation.” This study unit was offered in Spring 2022 to Bilkent students by Edward de Bono Institute at Malta University through the initiation of Bilkent’s Faculty of Applied Sciences.

The official certificate ceremony was led by Ambassador Cutajar and attended by Dean Prof. Altay Güvenir and Assoc. Dean Assoc. Prof. Ayşe Collins as well as the instructors at the Edward de Bono Institute, Dr. Margaret Mangion, Prof. Leonie Baldacchino and Prof. Sandra Dingli, who joined the ceremony via Zoom.

In the ceremony, students had the unique opportunity to share their experiences directly with the Ambassador and instructors on the topics of creativity, innovation management and entrepreneurship as well as prospective application areas in the students’ future careers.

Encouraged by the success of this initiative, Faculty of Applied Sciences and the Edward de Bono Institute plan to offer the same program again in the coming spring semester. The program helps students become more creative and eases their transition between university studies and employment.
