Archive, No: 13, Sports, Volume 29

“Sports As a Way of Life” Swim Challenge Results

The “Sports as a Way of Life” Swim Challenge events are now complete. Swim Challenge participants exercised regularly for four weeks, commiting to two to five times a week. The main aim of the fitness challenges, which take place each semester, is to encourage students to exercise and stay fit, laying the foundation for lifelong health habits. More than 50 Bilkenters exercised regularly during this period and 18 of them achieved 120 or more points. Students taking GE 250/251 received 30 to 60 points for the swim challenge. The “Sports as a Way of Life” Swim Challenge events are now complete. Swim Challenge participants exercised regularly for four weeks, commiting to two to five times a week. The main aim of the fitness challenges, which take place each semester, is to encourage students to exercise and stay fit, laying the foundation for lifelong health habits. More than 50 Bilkenters exercised regularly during this period and 18 of them achieved 120 or more points. Students taking GE 250/251 received 30 to 60 points for the swim challenge.

The top finishers of the challenge are listed below.

Swim Challange Women’s

1. Yüksel Yasemin Altıntaş

2. Miri Besken

Swim Challenge Men’s

1. Ege Bora Oral

2. Arda Gökmen
