Archive, No: 15, Research, Volume 29

Healthcare Award Granted to UNAM

Bilkent University National Nanotechnology Research Center (UNAM) received first prize for the Doktorclub Healthcare Initiative of the Year in the category of R&D/Innovation Implementation. The award was granted to Asst. Prof. Fatih İnci’s project “Ultra-Sensitive and Portable Cancer Early Diagnosis Chips.”

This year saw the sixth iteration of the Doktorclub Awards, which aim to encourage the development of innovative studies in the field of health and to reward those who make a difference in their field. Jury members, all experts in their respective fields who have added value to the health industry for many years, determined 73 finalists in 17 different categories. The winner of each category was determined through the consideration of more than 85,000 votes.

Since winning the award, Dr. İnci has continued his work at UNAM, which is concentrated in the innovative technology areas of biosensors, micro/nanoscale technologies, laboratory-on-a-chip and biomedical engineering to further develop ultrasensitive sensors and microfluidic platforms. The project aims to not only tackle the diagnostic challenges of increasingly prevalent maladies such as infectious diseases and cancer, but also to minimize inequalities in healthcare, even in areas that lack access to health resources.

Regarding his work, Dr. İnci said, “These chips, which we use as structures that combine microfluidic and sensor technologies, are small enough to fit in your pocket. In this sense, it is a technology that can minimize inequalities in healthcare and that can be easily applied everywhere.”
