Announcements, Archive, Campus & Community, No: 3, Volume 29

Student Council Elections Start Next Week

The Student Council elections for the 2022-23 academic year will begin on October 3 and proceed according to the Election Calendar below. Detailed information, including the Election Calendar, qualifications required for candidacy and the Application Form, is available at

Student Council Election Calendar

Monday, October 3 (9 a.m.) – Friday, October 7 (5 p.m.)
Prospective Candidates for Department Representative Apply to the Registrar’s Office

Friday, October 7 (6 p.m.)
Announcement of Candidates Eligible to Run for Department Representative

Saturday, October 8 (5 p.m.) – Sunday, October 9 (5 p.m.)
Recording of Candidate Statements

Monday, October 10 (9 a.m.) – Sunday, October 16 (5 p.m.)
Election Campaign by Candidates

Sunday, October 16 (5:30 p.m.)
Start of Electoral Restrictions

Monday, October 17
(10 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.)
Elections for Department Representatives

Monday, October 17 (8 p.m.)
Announcement of Results for Department Representative Elections

Tuesday, October 18 (6 p.m.)
Elections for Faculty Representatives

Wednesday, October 19 (6 p.m.)
Election of the Student Council Executive and Audit Committees in the General Assembly
