Archive, Campus & Community, News & Events, No: 7, Volume 29

New Student Council Officers Elected

The final step in the Student Council election process was completed on October 19 with the election of the Council’s president and Executive Committee.

The new Student Council president is Kerem Müftüoğlu from the Faculty of Law. The vice president is Beyza Çetin (LAUD/III), general secretary of the Executive Committee is Umutcan Kaan Bozan (MBG/IV); the other members of the committee and their areas of responsibility are as follows: treasurer, Senem Safi (ECON/IV); public relations, Fatma Betül Göğüş (AMER/II) and Çağatay Aydın (IAED/II); organization, İsmail Hakkı Bayer (PSYC/II) and Efe Beydoğan (CS/IV); academic relations, Kaan Kurtoğlu (MAN/IV).

Audit Committee members are Mert Ercan (PHYS/IV), Fikret Emre Öcal (ME/IV), Bünyamin Aydın (IR/II), Ayşenur Ateş (EE/II) and Nil Döşlüoğlu ( IE/II).
