IEEE Bilkent Student Branch initiated a new magazine, Mercek Dergi, which aims to provide undergraduate students from science and engineering faculties with the opportunity to read and analyze academic papers and write articles that reflect their understanding of the topics. In addition, the magazine encourages students to interview alumni and professors to gain insight into their academic and professional journeys and to share these experiences with others. The vision of Mercek Dergi is to prepare undergraduate students for their graduate studies by fostering engagement with academic literature, developing critical thinking and writing skills and providing a platform for sharing knowledge and experiences.
The magazine hopes to inspire students to pursue their passions and achieve their goals through sharing experiences.
With its focus on empowering students and promoting academic excellence, Mercek Dergi is a valuable resource for science and engineering undergraduates at Bilkent University and beyond.
Mercek Dergi is now accepting applications for writer, designer, photographer and reviewer positions for the next issue. Undergraduate students interested in contributing to the magazine are encouraged to apply through the QR code provided.
You can also download and subscribe to the new issue from the website of the magazine:
Social media accounts:
Instagram: @bilkentmercekdergi
LinkedIn: company/mercek-dergi