Asst. Prof. Efe Alpay, of the Department of Graphic Design, exhibited his mnemonic data sculpture, “A Giant Leap,” alongside the art of 13 other leading multidisciplinary artists from Türkiye. The exhibition, which took place April 13–21, was part of the larger “Culture Road” project (organized by the Turkish Ministry of Culture and Tourism), which took place in Adana. As an extension of the same project, towards the end of April Alpay realized a special live performance of “A Giant Leap” in Sonar İstanbul’s giant vertical screen at Zorlu PSM. He has presented his research on mnemonic data sculptures and talked about the background of his PhD research at the Turkish Design Council’s Inspiring Talks event that took place at the council’s Kuzguncuk pier.
His previous mnemonic data sculpture, “Call for Life,” was deemed worthy of the TMMOB Chamber of Geological Engineers Service Award for “setting an example for the country’s youth with its call to humanity by concretizing memories and creating collective memory by utilizing innovative thinking and technological capabilities.”