Campus & Community, News & Events, No: 29, Uncategorized, Volume 30

ME 102 Students Design Vehicles for Term Project Competition

On Thursday, May 16, the Deprtment of Mechanical Engineering held the Term Project Competition for ME102 (Introduction to Systems Engineering) course. The competition involved 26 groups of freshman-year students who designed and developed vehicles with maximum dimensions of 180 mm x 180 mm x 150 mm. The objective was to knock down 10 bowling pins when the vehicles were released from distances of 5.0 meters and 7.5 meters. All the vehicles were fully powered by mechanical systems designed by the students. Each group was guided by an undergraduate teaching assistant.

The team consisting of Çağıl Deniz Çiçek, Taha Emir İzgeç, Ece Melisa Koçak, Barış Atay Sarıkaya and Al Hussain Al Badri (TA – Efe Görgülü) collected the maximum points and came first, while Yankı Evliyaoğlu, Furkan Kalak, Başar Sıdar and Tolga Tutar (TA – Atacan Gürlek) followed them closely. Haluk Efe Atabek, Demir Aydemir, Mert Efe Canoğlu, Mert Musabeyli and Ali Yağız Şahin (TA – Ege Erdoğan) and Deniz Akış, Eren Altan, Bartu Demirbaş and Mehmet Faruk Köylü (TA – Doruk Bağtaş) were two other teams that also had distinguished performances.
