
The International Chronicles 


Name: Fakhri Iskandarli         

Department: International Relations freshman         

Country of Origin: Azerbaijan 

What were your first impressions about Türkiye?  

Actually, when I first came to Türkiye,  I was quite frustrated due to being far away from my homeland. But as I’ve explored the local environment, this feeling has fallen to zero. 

What do you like best about Bilkent and Türkiye?  

It is easy to get accustomed to. I have made a lot of friends, and those social bonds within Bilkent helped me get used to living here. 

Are there any similarities between Türkiye and your home country? 

There are various similarities, starting with the language and ending with common attitudes in daily matters. 

What will you miss most about Bilkent/Türkiye? 

The people. The experience of making social bonds and learning about other people has been fascinating and quite helpful.  

What’s your favorite place on campus, and why? 

The cafe called “Bilka,” near the dormitories, because it’s where a lot of people come together. It’s an irreplaceable place.  

What’s your favorite Turkish food and why?  

“Tavuk çorbası,” which reminds me of the cuisine in my homeland. 

Where do you expect to see yourself 10 years from now?  

I hope I will be someone who benefits the people and environment around me.  

What’s one thing you learned from Turkish culture?  

How to tolerate everything. The first time I came to Bilkent, I met a lot of different people. This diversity has made me understand different points of view even better and has taught me how to break through barriers. 

What places have you visited in Türkiye, and which one is your favorite? 

I have been to İstanbul, Ankara and Antalya. While the trips to the first two were enjoyable, resting in Antalya was especially charming.  

What’s an interesting question or comment you hear frequently at Bilkent/in Türkiye? 

“Is it difficult to study there?” 

Describe yourself in three words. 

Friendly, respectful, communicable. 

How is the studying experience at Bilkent? 

It is a new kind of environment that I had never experienced. Even though there were complications, I gladly overcame those obstacles. 
