Volume 31

Nomination for Mnemonic Data Sculpture 

“Call for Life,” a mnemonic data sculpture by Asst. Prof. Efe Alpay of the Department of Graphic Design, has had a very significant recognition from The Lumen Prize & Studios. The project has been nominated as one of 65 finalists from among 2000 submissions, a finalist in the Lumen Prize[Read More…]

The Sporting Life 

Name: Zeynep Gür  Department: Law   How often do you exercise?  I exercise five times a week.  How has regular exercise affected your life?   It has improved my body.  What do you suggest to those who are just taking up a sport or starting to exercise?   They should stay motivated and[Read More…]

The International Chronicles 

BY MAHİR HASSAN MİAN (ECON/II)  Name: Mohammed Ehsan Ullah Shareef         Department: CTIS         Country of Origin: India  What were your first impressions about Türkiye?   There is a lot of walking — İstanbul Airport wasn’t easy on my legs.  What do you like best about Bilkent and Türkiye?   The people. I can’t[Read More…]

PhilFest’24 Attracts Thousands of Philosophy Lovers 

The third Bilkent PhilFest, Türkiye’s only large-scale philosophy festival, took place at Bilkent University on Saturday, September 28.   Organized by the Department of Philosophy, Bilkent Philosophical Society, Bilkent University Library, Psychological Counseling and Development Center and Teaching and Learning Support Center, the festival aims to bring together philosophy enthusiasts of[Read More…]

University Sports Teams Tryouts 

AMERICAN FOOTBALL  Dates & Times:   October 1–3, 6 p.m. – 9 p.m.  October 5, 1 p.m. – 5 p.m  Place: East Campus-Mini Football Fields  ATHLETICS (Men and Women)  Dates and Times:   September 25–27,  5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.   Place: Stadium  BADMINTON (Men and Women)  Dates and Times:   October 4, 4 p.m.[Read More…]

The Sporting Life 

Name: Ada Gürer  Department: Psychology  How often do you exercise?  I exercise four to five times a week.  How has regular exercise affected your life?   I love doing sports. They change my mood, make me positive and keep me active during the day.  What do you suggest to those who[Read More…]

The International Chronicles 

BY MAHİR HASSAN MİAN (ECON/II)  Name: Maham Fatima         Department: Management          Country of Origin: Pakistan  What were your first impressions about Türkiye?   I was honestly impressed by its rich culture, history and stunning landscapes. It beautifully blends Eastern and Western influences.  What do you like best about Bilkent and Türkiye?   The[Read More…]

Faculty Promotions 

Istvan Albert Aranyosi, faculty member in the Department of Philosophy, was appointed as interim associate professor.   David Thornton, faculty member in the Department of History, was appointed as interim associate professor.   Aysu Berk Haznedaroğlu, faculty member in the Department of Architecture, was appointed as senior lecturer. 
