No: 18, Sports, Volume 31

Zeren Spor Volleyball Team at Bilkent 

Zeren Spor, founded in Ankara in 2022, is taking part in the Vodafone Sultans League over the 2024–25 season. 

Zeren Spor is the rising value of Ankara in volleyball, whose roster includes players for the Turkish national team, players who play for the national teams of their own countries and athletes who have competed in the Olympics. 

Zeren Spor managers and players from Sultans Volleyball League teams will be on campus on Friday, February 28. All Bilkent students are invited to an interview to be held by the Physical Education and Sports Center at Mithat Çoruh Auditorium at 12:30 p.m.  

This event is limited to 180 participants.  

Registration: All Sports Halls 

For more information call ext. 1993 or email to 
