No: 20

Fitness Challenge 

The “Sports as a Way of Life” fitness challenge, held at the Dormitories, Main and East Sports Halls, will run between March 11 and April 7 and is open to all students.  Participants are to work out at least two and at most five times per week. Participants can do,[Read More…]

“Sports as a Way of Life” Cardio Week 

The cardio week event, organized by the Physical Education and Sports Center, took place on February 19–25 with the participation of 28 people. Students who participated in at least two of the cardio and strength exercises, such as rowing, cycling and treadmill exercises, were awarded GE250/251 points. 

Squash Tournament 

This term’s “Bilkent Sports Games” squash tournament will be held March 12–15, at the Dormitories Sports Hall. All students are welcome to participate in this activity, which consists of competitions in men and women’s categories.   Get in the game and be the “Bilkent Sports Games” squash champion.    Dates and Categories:  [Read More…]

The Sporting Life 

Name: Yaiza Melgar Villaoslada  Department: IR  How often do you exercise?  I train at the gym three times a week and play volleyball twice a week.  How has regular exercise affected your life?   I have always played sports so they are just part of my life.  What do you suggest[Read More…]

Table Tennis Tournament 

Due to the career fair, the “Bilkent Sports Games” table tennis tournament has been postponed.  Revised Dates and Categories:   March 12: Women’s Beginner  March 13: Men’s Beginner  March 14: Men’s Intermediate  Time: 6 p.m.  Place: Main Sports Hall   Registration: All Sports Halls  For more information please call   ext. 1993[Read More…]

Swim Challenge 

The “Sports as a Way of Life” swim challenge, held at the Dormitories Sports Hall/Swimming Pool, will run March 11 – April 7 for men and April 21 for women. The challenge is open to all students, academic and staff members, their families and graduates and their families.  To receive[Read More…]

The International Chronicles 

BY MAHİR HASSAN MİAN (ECON/II)  Name: Haneen Shapi       Department: LAUD                   Country of Origin: Kenya  What were your first impressions about Turkey?   It’s a beautiful country with so much to see and so many places to visit.   What do you like best about Bilkent and Turkey?   The aesthetic campus and Yemeksepeti.  [Read More…]

Academic Administrative Changes 

Assoc. Prof. Onur Özcan was appointed as assistant chair of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, effective January 24, 2024. Assoc. Prof. Onur Özcan took over the position from Assoc. Prof. Barbaros Çetin.  Asst. Prof. Itır Göğüş was appointed as Director of Professional Programs, effective February 12, 2024. 

Faculty Promotions 

Ali Javili, faculty member in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, was promoted to Associate Professor position on February 6, 2024. Firdevs Ulus, faculty member in the Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, was promoted to Associate Professor position on February 20, 2024. 
