The “Sports As a Way of Life” Swim Challenge, held at the Dormitories Sports Hall/Swimming Pool, will run October 21 – November 17 (Men’s) / November 24 (Women’s) and is open to all students, academic and staff members and their families and graduates and their families.
To receive points, participants must swim more than 30 minutes at least two and at most five times per week during the four-week period.
Students in GE250/251 will receive points for the course as follows:
• 30 GE points for 60 Swim Challenge points
• 40 GE points for 80 Swim Challenge points
• 50 GE points for 100 Swim Challenge points
• 60 GE points for 120 Swim Challenge points
All participants must inform the lifeguard that they are involved in the challenge each time they come to the pool.
Registration: All Sports Halls
For more information please call
ext.1993 or email to