No: 16, Sports, Volume 31

“Sports As a Way of Life” Cardio Week 

A part of its “Sports As a Way of Life” program, the Physical Education and Sports Center is organizing Cardio Week on February 18–20. In this activity, Bilkent students participate in cardio and strength exercises that can be performed readily by everyone. Held at the Dormitories, Main and East Sports Halls, participants will do rowing exercises for 20 mins, cycling exercises for 20 mins or treadmill exercises for 30 mins, all adjusted according to their physical conditions. Whether on their own or with a friend, participants can choose when they want to complete the exercises. Participants must inform the fitness instructor before they begin the activity. 

Tuesday, February 18: Rowing 

Wednesday, February 19: Cycling 

Thursday, February 20: Treadmill 

Time: Between 8:30 a.m. – 10 p.m. 

Place: Dormitories, Main and East Sports Halls 

Participation: All Bilkent Students 

Registration: All Sports Halls  

GE250/251: Students taking GE 250/251 will receive five points for completing at least two activities. 

For more information please call ext. 1993 
