No: 27

Women’s Tennis Team Finishes in Second Place 

The Bilkent University women’s tennis team came in second in the inter-university regional league tennis competition. Twenty-four universities participated in this event, organized by the Turkish University Sports Federation in Ankara.   Congratulations to the student-athletes and their coaches in this success. 

Bilkent Faculty Receive BAGEP Awards 

Bilkent faculty members have received the Distinguished Young Scientist (BAGEP) awards for 2024. The awards are given by the Science Academy Association (Bilim Akademisi), established in 2011 “to promote, practice and uphold the principles of scientific merit, freedom and integrity.” The objective of the BAGEP program is to recognize highly[Read More…]

Bruno Taut Architecture Exhibition 

The German Diplomatic Missions in Turkey, in collaboration with Bilkent University Department of Architecture, presented the thematic exhibition on the work of German architect Bruno Taut titled, “Bruno Taut and the house to live in: from Dahlewitz to Ortaköy (1926–1938): 2 Countries, 2 Houses, 1 Architect.”   The exhibition was on[Read More…]

FACULTY Q&A: Interview with Dr. Ezgi Sakman

BY EKİNSU POLAT (AMER/II) Ezgi Sakman is a social psychologist with a diverse educational background and a strong focus on close relationships. Holding a Postdoctoral Research Fellowship from Cornell University since 2020, she earned her PhD in Social Psychology from Middle East Technical University in 2016 following an MS in[Read More…]
