Volume 31

The Sporting Life 

Name: Emir İnaner  Department: CTIS  How often do you exercise?  I exercise five times a week.  How has regular exercise affected your life?   It is so beneficial for maintaining good mental health. In this stressful college life, fitness is indispensable for me.    What do you suggest to those who are[Read More…]

Squash Tournament 

The Bilkent Sports Games” squash tournament will be held on November 19–22.    Dates and Categories:   November 19  Women’s Beginner and Intermediate  November 20  Men’s Beginner   November 21  Men’s Intermediate   November 22  Finals                        Time: 6 p.m.  Place: Dormitories Sports Hall Squash Courts  Registration: All Sports Halls  For more information call ext.[Read More…]

Princeton-Bilkent Workshop Launch 

The first History and Philosophy of Science Workshop, held in October, gathered faculty and graduate students from Princeton and Bilkent University’s Philosophy departments, organized by Dan Garber (Princeton) and Alireza Fatollahi (Bilkent), with special guests Tarek Dika (Toronto) and David Miller (Auburn). This year’s theme focused on the concept of[Read More…]

IAED PhD Candidate Wins First Paper Award from Turkish Acoustical Society 

Enkela Alimadhi, a PhD candidate in Interior Architecture and Environmental Design, received the 1st Paper Award from the Turkish Acoustical Society (TAKDER) for her 2024 conference presentation in Nantes, organized by the French Acoustical Society. Her award-winning research, supported since 2022 by the Acoustical Society of America’s Committee on International[Read More…]

IEEE Computer Society Awards 

Bilkent alumni won awards for the best MSc theses in the field of Computer Science and Engineering. The competition was organized by the IEEE Computer Society Türkiye Chapter, and the results were announced on October 28. This competition aims to identify and honor the best MSc theses in Computer Science[Read More…]

In Memory of Atatürk 

Sunday, November 10  9:05 a.m.   at the Bilkent Atatürk Monument  Moment of Silence and the National Anthem  Monday, November 11  1:30 p.m.   at Mithat Çoruh Auditorium  Mini Concert   Bilkent Youth Quartet  *  HIST 200 Project Presentation “The Development of Archaeology in Türkiye during Atatürk and the Early Years of the[Read More…]

The International Chronicles 

BY MAHİR HASSAN MİAN (ECON/II)  Name: Ghulam Ahmed           Department: Computer Science                                Country of Origin: Pakistan   What were your first impressions about Türkiye?   The “çay” consumption made me feel right at home.  What do you like best about Bilkent and Türkiye?   The cats that roam freely, looking for treats.  Are there[Read More…]
