On Friday, October 7, the Social Sciences Research Society hosted a lecture by Saadet Party (SP) Chairman Temel Karamollaoğlu at FADA, FFB-22. The event attracted interest from many students. Touching on the economy, social policies, past and current political developments in his speech, Mr. Karamollaoğlu answered the questions of the[Read More…]
News & Events
Conference on Water Management in the Metal Ages
The Department of Archaeology is hosting this year’s UISPP Metal Ages Commission conference, “Water Supply and Water Management in the Metal Ages,” Thursday October 13, 6 p.m. through Saturday October 15, 12 p.m. in the C-Block Auditorium. Thursday’s keynote lecture, “The Motilla Culture: A Hydraulic Culture Facing the Challenge of Climate Event 4.2 ka[Read More…]
First Annual Bilkent PhilFest Attracts Hundreds of Philosophy Lovers
PhilFest’22, Turkey’s first large-scale philosophy festival, took place at Bilkent University on Tuesday, October 4, 2022. There were 70 booths offering access to philosophy books from leading publishing houses, such as Elsevier, Ayrıntı, İletişim, İmge, Yapı Kredi, Doğu Batı and FOL. Visitors from all over Turkey had the opportunity to[Read More…]
Bilkent Philosophy Festival: October 4
All Bilkenters are invited to PhilFest’22, Bilkent’s Philosophy Festival, on October 4 at the Spring Fest area. The event is organized by the Bilkent University’s Department of Philosophy, Bilkent Philosophical Society, Bilkent University Library and the Psychological Counseling and Development Center. There will be presentation tables by scientific and philosophical associations and[Read More…]