A “Sports As a Way of Life” trekking activity will be held on September 22 at 10:30 a.m. at Bilkent Lake. All Bilkent students, academic and staff members, their families, and graduates and their families are eligible to participate in this activity. Route: https://w3.bilkent.edu.tr/bilkent/physical-education-and-sports-center/sports-games/ Registration: All Sports Halls
Volume 31
Library Enhances Academic Visibility and Publication Management
The Library is pleased to announce a comprehensive reorganization of Bilkent University Institutional Archive (BUIR)’s hierarchical structure, aimed at improving accessibility and usability for faculty, staff and students. This reorganization is a key step in ensuring that the vast array of Bilkent’s research outputs preserved digitally within the archive is[Read More…]
Bilkent Welcomes International Students for the 2024–25 Academic Year
A new group of international exchange and full-time students has arrived for the Fall Semester. This semester Bilkent University is hosting 104 new exchange students and 82 full-time international students from 44 countries. Bilkent welcomed the students with an orientation program held by the Office of International Students and Exchange[Read More…]
Bilkent Alumnus Wins Science Scholarship
Sarp Feykun Şener, a graduate of the Department of Physics and an undergraduate researcher under the supervision of Asst. Prof. Hasan Yılmaz at Bilkent University National Nanotechnology Research Center (UNAM), has received a scholarship from the Teke Tek Bilim Fund. The fund was created through a collaboration between the Contemporary[Read More…]
Administrative Changes
Behçet Şensoy, Records and Archives Manager, retired on September 2, 2024. Mr. Şensoy had served Bilkent University since 1990. Bilkent University extends its gratitude to Mr. Şensoy for his services to the university during his long tenure and wishes him all the best in his retirement. The Records and Archives[Read More…]
Faculty Promotions
Turgay Dalkara, faculty member in the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, was promoted to professor position. Barbaros Çetin, faculty member in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, was promoted to professor position. Özgür Özdamar, faculty member in the Department of International Relations, was promoted to professor position. Meral Uğur Çınar,[Read More…]
Academic Administrative Appointments
Çağlar Manavgat was appointed as Dean (Acting) of the Faculty of Law. Burak Ülgüt was appointed as Associate Dean of the Faculty of Science. Ayşe Başak Tanyeri was appointed as Associate Dean of the Faculty of Business Administration. Elif Kantarcıoğlu was appointed as Chair of the Department of Foreign Languages. [Read More…]
Alumni Gather for Homecoming
The traditional Alumni Homecoming, organized by the Career and Alumni Office, was held on Sunday, September 15. Rector Prof. Kürşat Aydoğan opened the event with a speech in which he discussed the current state of the university and its future plans. He also spoke about what can be done to[Read More…]
2024 UIC Awards
Assoc. Prof. Efe Tokdemir and Post-doc researcher Firuze Simay Sezgin Namlı of the Department of International Relations received International Relations Council of Türkiye 2024 awards. Dr. Tokdemir is the recipient of the International Relations Council (UIC) Türkiye 2024 Young Scientist Incentive Award. The UIC Young Scientist Incentive Award is given[Read More…]
Türker Özsarı Receives 2023 Ikeda Research Award
Asst. Prof. Türker Özsarı of the Department of Mathematics received the 2023 Masatoshi Gündüz Ikeda Research Award. This prestigious award is given to mathematicians under the age of 45 working in Turkey who have made noteworthy contributions to the field, with the aim of promoting high-quality research. It was established[Read More…]