Campus & Community

In Memory of Atatürk

Thursday, November 10 9:05 the Bilkent Atatürk MonumentMoment of Silence and the National Anthem 9:30 Mithat Çoruh AuditoriumMini ConcertBilkent Youth Quintet*HIST 200 Project Presentation “The Program for Sending Students Abroad in the Field of Educational Sciences in the Early Republican Period: The Experiences of Şükran Oğuzkan”Muhammed Berk Alemdar[Read More…]

Administrative Changes

Effective November 1, 2022, Fatma Dağüstün, former Director of Accounting and Finance at Tepe Prefabrik A.Ş., was appointed acting director of the Financial Affairs Office. She takes over from Alaattin Tabur, who resigned from his position in order to continue his responsibilities at Bilkent Holding effectively. The name of the[Read More…]

TDP Volunteers Establish 30th Library

Volunteers from Günköy (The Sun Rises from the Village), a project of the student volunteer organization TDP, recently spent a weekend working at Sinandı Gökkaya Primary and Secondary School in the village of Gökkaya, Aksaray. Günköy has been active since 2010 in helping villages where school facilities are inadequate, visiting[Read More…]

Muharrem İnce Speaks at Bilkent

On Thursday, October 20, the Social Sciences Research Society hosted the Homeland Party’s (Memleket Partisi) Chairman Muharrem İnce at the Bilkent Concert Hall. The event, which filled the hall, attracted hundreds of interested students. In his speech, Mr. İnce touched on economics and current political issues as well as the[Read More…]

Sustainability and Eco-Criticism Discussed at Graduate Conference

On October 14, the Department of Turkish Literature held its annual graduate conference, “Sustainability and Eco-criticism,” at FFB-22. Eighteen participants from different universities shared their research on Turkish Literature in relation to themes such as gender, narrative, politics and history. The thought-provoking keynote lecture was delivered by Dr. Deniz Gündoğan-İbrişim[Read More…]

New Student Council Officers Elected

The final step in the Student Council election process was completed on October 19 with the election of the Council’s president and Executive Committee. The new Student Council president is Kerem Müftüoğlu from the Faculty of Law. The vice president is Beyza Çetin (LAUD/III), general secretary of the Executive Committee[Read More…]
